Now, im at a standoff.
I dont know what to be more excited for,
The game,
or the music itself.
If anything, id be happy listening to this ALL day long, its just such an amazing teaser.
This song, I can connect it to my life.
Im a loner, who sits on my piano all day, but some girl i met came into my life,
Changed my black and white visions into buetiful colors, and im reminded that everytime i hear this song.
I would really love to play your songs.
I have recently learned the keyboard, and though, what if i had a chance to learn from a master, because everysong, seems to have its own personality, story too.
you imspire me to make every song i make, somewhat a masterpiece.
For some reason this reminds me of..
This reminds me of the revolutionary war, the soldiers getting in line, ready to fire,
It makes me feel like a rainbow :3
I love how you made a burst of colors, just with some notes :D
i really wish i could write music like you
The impossible has been done,
IT seems you make so much out of just one song, i don't know why, but this sounds like a victory theme for a boss, as if links on a boat, ot a stormy rooftop of a castle, with a water elemental creature/Boss, ot this could also be a betrayal theme, as if Ganon was to take over Zelda's body, yet link doesn't know, so heart broken and torn apart, he has to fight zelda.
LOL yeah, I try my best to put a little "Chaos" in the feel of the song. Glad to know that you're enjoying my style. Also, interesting story, I really think that last part would be pretty cool if there was a Zelda anime.
IT seems like Nintendo has a new song writer, it seems, just a little, that this song, altered a bit, could become a pretty epic battle theme, any tips for a beggining song writer?
All I can say is just make whatever your ears find addicting and remember that what you feel about your song is most important. Be careful in the ballance of you music, although getting this just right will come with time. Look for instuments that sound good together. Most important, don't be afraid to ask for help on anything. Dont get discouraged if people give you bad reviews or vote you down, just learn from it.
Thanks for the reveiw bro.
This songs sounds like it could be in a remake of OoT, were link goes in the future, were link and his fellow survivors start a rebellion, were he was to have an epic battle, heavily out numbered by ganons soldiers, and their raid on the castle is beginning. i should send this to a plot for nintendos next zelda game xD
Age 25, Male
Overworked artist.
In your pants
Joined on 10/3/09